
Monday 29 August 2011

New Mink Arrives

Saturday afternoon saw the arrival of a new mink to the British Wildlife Centre. As many of you know, our elderly male mink "Lucky" passed away earlier this Summer due to old age, and we have been looking for a replacement ever since.

This new youngster will tame down very well over the next few weeks, and I am sure he will be out and about on view when he gets into his new routine.

The american mink is a non native mustelid, that has come over from America. In most cases due to fur farming for their coats. Many animal rights groups aided their escapes from these farms, and they have since been spreading and increasing in population over the country. Although not their fault, it does mean they are now classified as vermin due to the destruction they can cause on our own native wildlife.

There is no doubt however that our new young mink is a very handsome chap, and will be a great ambassador for the trouble that invasive exotic animals can bring.

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Video of our Water Voles

As many of you know, since I think I have told everyone who has visited recently, our water vole enclosure is a hive of activity at the moment and one of my favourite enclosures at the centre currently. I have spent a bit of time over the last couple of mornings getting a few photos and video clips. You have seen some of the photos on here and the other blog, and below is a compilation of the better video clips.

If you can only spare half a minute or so, just watch the first bit as it is my favourite bit of video I got. If you have more time, the clip lasts just under three minutes.

Saturday 20 August 2011

Water Vole Youngsters born on the Display Island

After introducing a new pair of water voles to our island display at the beginning of the year, they have settled down extremely well and produced a litter. Growing up on display and in front of the public they have no fear, and have been a fantastic exhibit over the past few days posing well for photographers.

The best time to see our water voles are in the morning and at the end of the day, but while they are growing up the youngsters will often be seen out and about during the middle of the day too.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

New Stoat in Photographic Pen

Yesterday saw the introduction of a new male stoat to our photographic pens opposite our snakes and polecats. We hope he will settle into his new home well. Meanwhile we are keeping his sisters off display to keep them safe as they are hopefully now pregnant and expecting young next year.

Thursday 11 August 2011


The last few days has been a busy schedule for us all at the BWC. Of course, we still had all the animals to look after and public to meet and greet, but we have also been busy filming for a DVD.

It has been something David has wanted to do for some time now, and this Summer has been the time to go ahead and do it. The DVD will be a souvenir of the Wildlife Centre and something we will put for sale in our gift shop. Hopefully it will give everyone a good idea on what we are all about here and the work we do.

The film team will be back in September to add to their 12hours of footage they already have, and then the hard task of condensing it all down to about 40 minutes will begin. We hope to have the DVD in the shops for the New Year.

Monday 8 August 2011

Introducing the Roe fawn to Willow

New Roe fawn, as yet unamed, is settling in extremely well. Now is the time to start weaning him off of the goats milk, and get him onto the coarse ration and browse. Today we let him and his fallow friend, who I have since found out is another buck, not a doe as we were told when given to us, through to the main enclosure to mingle with the other deer. 

They soon relaxed and enjoyed stretching their legs for a good run, before sniffing the other deer and becoming comfortable with them. The muntjac didn't even seem to notice them, but Willow and Chestnut were soon coming over to say hello.

We are hoping that the will get on very well, and that our new Roe buck will mate with both Willow and Chestnut for some fawns in 2013. The new buck will be mature enough in his first season next year, but due to Roe Deer having a "true" delayed implantation, no new fawns will be born here till at the earliest 2013.

Monday 1 August 2011

Another New Little Owl

Today saw the arrival of another new little owl. This young female was bred by a private breeder in Cheshire, and is the new partner for Robin. We are hoping that they will settle down together and form a bond and eventually become a breeding pair.

Our aim is to breed little owls here at the Centre. Some of which we can rear to join our flying team of owls, and others to pass onto other wildlife collections and falconry parks. They are very charming owls with lots of character, and always seem a popular hit with many visitors.