
Sunday 24 June 2018

Owlet Update

This year's owlets are all doing very well. The long eareds are thriving in their new homes, the little owls are... well, still little, but pretty much fully feathered now and often seen out and about while we are open to the public, but it is the tawny owls and barn owl that are showing most change.

The two tawny owls have really come on leaps and bounds from when they started, and are now housed in "Hedwig" the snowy owls old enclosure. This means they are on view to the public while we are open, and they have been a huge hit!

You can see how much they have changed in the photos above, and they are quite at home in front of the public. They have started their flying training already, and I am sure will be a full part of the flying team by the end of the summer.

Floki, our barn owl chick, has perhaps changed the most. From an ugly ball of fluff, he turned in to a slightly less ugly ball of fluff above. From this he has now developed his heart shaped face, but still a ball of fluff otherwise below.

They change and develop so fast, only a matter of weeks from hatching to looking like adults. Once fully grown it will be great to share photos through the whole growing/changing phase.

Saturday 16 June 2018

Deer Calves

A little earlier than usual this year, our red deer started to have their calves at the end of last month. So now out in the paddock with the rest of them, the youngsters are at the age where they are following their mum and running and playing in the field. 

They are all legs, and when they really get going it is quite fun to watch them jump and run up and down, and change direction almost falling over.

Most of them stick with their mum, but this little one obviously thinks he is a big deer already... hanging out with the boys.

Even taking charge, and leading them to the next patch... maybe a young master stag in the making.

Friday 8 June 2018

Photo of the Month: May 2018

"Tawny Owl in Bluebells" by Shaun Jackson

Time to share a few photos that have been sent in and/or shared on our social media pages over the month of May. A lot of birds this time, mainly owls of course, but even a few of our buzzards which was lovely to see.

We have picked the photo above by Shaun Jackson to be our photograph of the month, being lucky enough to be on one of our owl days while we had some bluebells out. Shaun's photo will be in our gallery next year, and be in with the chance to win a photographic day here at the Centre if chosen as the overall favourite later this year.

Here are a few others we would like to share.

"Yawning Hedgehog" by Dave Cox

"Buzzard" by Ray Davis

"Eagle Owl" by Connor Passey