
Thursday 17 June 2010

New hare on display

Do you remember that a few months ago we took in a couple of young orphaned leverets? Well, I know many of you do because I have had quite a few messages asking how they are doing and whether they made it. Well, Izzy took on the difficult task of rearing these nervous and skittish animals and has done a fantastic job seeing them both through the weaning stage.

The future for these two hares are both good, but very different news. One of the hares we are going to release back into the wild next week where it should hopefully lead a happy and healthy life. Her sister however has always acted a little differently, and when taken to the vets a couple of weeks ago they confirmed Izzy's suspicions that she was completely blind in both eyes.

This means that we will not release her, but instead have introduced her to our other hare currently resising in our kestrel aviary.

This is a picture of the hare during the weaning process, she now has the name "Barley"

Izzy letting her go into the aviary. Barley seemed to enjoy the long grass, and has settled down extremely quickly. After just one night it appears she has her new enclosure mapped out in her head. She has met our other hare, moongazer, and they seem quite happy to share their pen.

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