
Monday 10 January 2011

Round up continued...

Another photograph taken on one of our photograph days, this time of a Hedgehog taken by "Cathy Roberts"

A photograph taken on one of our normal open days in the walkthrough red squirrel enclosure. This great capture was taken by "Peter Trimming" on flickr

Photographs from our raptor days seemed popular enteries this time, the above of a peeping tawny was taken by "Mbridger68" on flickr

And nice to see not all the enteries were of our furry friends. Many snakes were entered into this competition, the above being one of our favourites of an adder. Taken by "Felt_tip_felon" - Strike a pose. Seen on flickr

Thank you for all your fantastic enteries. The keepers have selected a finalists list of 12 photographs, a couple from the ones seen in these posts, and from these the overall winner will be selected by a professional photographer over the next couple of weeks. Then a years winner from the three competition winners will be selected to win the prize of a photographic day here at the Centre.

Look out for these posts soon, as well as news of our new photographic competition for 2011!
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