
Saturday 9 April 2011

Flo's had her cubs

Hello... You may have noticed the new look to the blog, I hope you all like it. We where getting a little tired of the old look and thought we could make it a little more "professional" if you like, and a little less like all the other google blogs out there!

Well, to start off the new look, what better way than to announce that Flo has had her cubs. She disappeared a few days ago, and emerged a couple of days later looking much thinner than she had been. I would guess it will be about 4 weeks till we start seeing the cubs emerge, so maybe 5/6 weeks for them to be bold enough to come out with visitors being here. Something to look forward too.

Below are some images of last years cubs.

Don't forget, we are open to the public everyday now, including the week days, for the next two weeks. Plus the two bank holidays of the week after.


  1. Adorable. Looking forward to seeing the latest pictures of the little family. By the way how's Josh & Dog(?) doing?

  2. Josh and Vixen/Dog are fine. Both have settled in extremely well, and are enjoying there time here and with Biscuit. Josh in particular is always keen to be out to meet the members of the public.


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