
Friday 25 November 2011

BWC Photo Comp; Staff Favourites

The next in our weekly blog posts on the 2011 photo competition, in the run-up to the winners announcements early next year, is to show off some of the staffs favourite photos.

The task was simple... for each staff member to chose one image from the hundreds entered which they particularly liked. Not necessarily what they thought was the best, but one of their favourites. It proved a very difficult task but below is what was chosen.

The short-listing for each category is nearly complete, and next Monday will see the first blog post on the short-listed entries. First category to be announced will be the "Junior" category showcasing the talent of the 16 year olds and under which visit the Centre.

So, onto staff favourites...

Realise Photography

Izzy, Keeper - "I like the way the motion of the wing is covering the owl, with just the eye visible between the feathers" 


Rich, Keeper - "I really like this one because it shows off a wildcat really kicking ass!"

Mandy Swanwick

Leonie, Keeper - "I like the way it shows the movement of otter through the water and the way it has captured the spume"


Tom, Keeper - "I love the muted colours in this one and the way it accentuates the golden eyes of the owl"

Mandy Swanwick

Jean, Centre Manager - "The detail captured in the fur as the otter has just come out of the water is amazing"

Phil Long

Liza, Interpretation and Marketing - "I love how this photo shows Flo as she really is, always happy, full of life and enjoying being stroked and tickled by Matt"

Sid the Photographer

Mandy,  Coffee Shop Manager - "This one just makes me smile every time I look at it. It is almost human like in pose, and reminds me of how I feel after a day at work"

Ian Rentoul

Linda, Accounts - "A great pose. I have seen many of the squirrels like this, but this is my favourite"

Phil Homer

Michael, General Maintenance - "It makes you look at it closer after a first glance. Then you can see it is an otter with good camouflage and in a really natural setting"

Philip Pound

David, Owner - "I think this is a clever idea, and it has been done really well"


Matt, Head Keeper - "This one stood out to me as it shows two of my favourite girls, both looking very smug as they think they have just done a good flying display"

Don't forget to check out the blog on Monday for the short-listed entries for the "Junior" category.

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