
Sunday 8 July 2012

Members Day Success

A big thank you to everyone who came yesterday to our members evening, and made it such a huge success!

The evening started with the traditional welcome and Centre update from owner David Mills, before the members were let loose around the Centre to see the animals and what they get up to in the evening.

The first talk of the night was on British Snakes, with a focus on the grass snake. Four of the keepers had a grass snake each, and were spread out around the Dell to allow visitors to go up close and see this miss-understood reptile for all its glory. Some members stayed a little further away from our scaly friends, sitting on the benches, but hopefully gained a little insight in to the life of the largest British reptile. Of course, a little photographic opportunity was available at the end of the talk before the snakes were carefully place back in their home.

The second talk of the evening was by far the most popular, where we called out our stoats and weasels for all to see. For many years we have been trying to build up our collection, since the loss of many of our animals due to a mystery virus 4 years ago. This year has seen us get back to where we were in terms of numbers, and all but one made an appearance for the talk up by the outside pens.

Following on from this, our newest small weasel members, Sybil and Dorris the stoats and Golliath and Eva the weasels were on view in our Hedgerow section.

The talks were interspersed with some animal feeds to keep the evening moving, and to offer a sight and update of some of our more popular animals.

And of course we had some of our newest members of the team on view to show their progress.

Once again a big thank you to all members who came... thanks for your continuing support, and see you all soon! Keep your eyes open over the Autumn and Winter for news on when our Winter Members Day will be.

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