
Tuesday 14 August 2012

Introducing Jake

A month ago we welcomed 2 new otters to the BWC family from the New Forest Wildlife Centre. These litter brothers were named "Jake & Elwood" and introduced in with two of our females, Lily and Emmy respectively.

As many of you are aware, Elwood settled in straight away and even made an appearance for his first keeper talk the following day... Jake on the other hand was a little shyer, and took his time to come to terms with his new surroundings.

For the past week now however, Jake has been a star. He has really grown into himself and is now a regular for the afternoon keeper talk and enjoys spending time with the keepers with the evening feeds. He really is a big lad, one of the biggest otters I have seen, so if you do get the chance, come and see him over the remaining three weeks that we are open for the Summer.

Of course, while you are here do say hello to his brother Elwood. He is still one of the star attractions, and one of the first out for all keepers talks and feeds... even the rain doesn't put him off!

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