
Wednesday 1 August 2012


A brief update on some of our new arrivals...

Our two new barn owl chicks are not chicks anymore. Both Big Pete (pictures above) and Kevin are now fully fledged members of our flying team and regularly performing in our 4pm flying display.

Our new tawny owl, Magnus, is progressing well and is currently in training.

Jake and Elwood, our new otters, have settled in extremely well. Elwood has already established himself as a star of the talks, and Jake is slowly getting there in front of the crowds.

Eva and Sybil are now well established in there Hedgerow enclosures, and have been one of the greatest attractions so far this Summer. It is not often you walk through our Hedgerow and don't see either one of our stoats or weasels out on display.

Of course we also have many deer fawns/calves, polecat kits, grass snake eggs, squirrel kittens, mice, vole and rat pups and of course not forgetting two new stars of the BWC... Timon and Pumba our young hoglets who have been stars during the 1pm talk.

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