
Monday 10 September 2012

BWPA 2012

I know that many of you are interested in my photography that I do around the Centre, and very complimentary of the BWPA photograph I took last year of Flo the fox.

Well, today the BWPA winners for 2012 were announced, and I am very pleased and proud to say that I have 3 photographs in this years competition.

I submitted a few earlier this year and was amazed to have had 8 photographs shortlisted, including the one of Florence flying over the bluebells which sadly didn't make the final. Maybe because it had only just previously been in many of the national papers, or just maybe because I like it far more than the judges... I don't know. But I did get 3 into the finals. 2 commended and 1 highly commended.

Above is a photo of Grace, our otter, taken with the fish eye lens Iz bought me for Christmas. She jokingly said it was to get another photo in the BWPA this year with, and so it is quite nice that this is the photo that was Highly Commended. This photo will appear in he coffee table book and the exhibition that tours the Country.

This is an older photo I took of a hedgehog, backlit in the Autumn leaves. It has always been one of my favourites and this year the BWPA gave it a Commended and so it will appear in the book too.

And finally this photo above... One of my favourite photos I have ever taken, and I am so pleased to get this one into the finals. It was Commended and so will appear in the book.

Thanks for your interest, more animal news later in the week.

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