
Saturday 6 October 2012

National Badger Day

So, today is National Badger Day... Badgers have been in the news a lot recently with the impending badger cull, but I am not going to go in to this now. Instead, here are just a few interesting facts about Britian's largest weasel:

   - Have you heard that badgers are a member of the weasel family, or "Mustelid" family. Closely related to weasels, stoats, mink, polecats, pine martens and otters, badgers are the largest mustelid in Britain

   - A male badger is called a boar, a female a sow and the young are called cubs

   - Badgers can mate at anytime of year, but have a delayed implantation meaning that there cubs are always born during the start of the new year and usually around February time

   - A group of badgers is called a "clan"

   - Living quite solitary in Europe, badgers are one of Britain's most social mammals

   - There are 8 species of badger in the world, only the European badger lives in Britain

   - Unlike cats and dogs, badgers have five front toes

   - Badgers have very strong, powerful, non-retractable claws

   - Badgers are the fastest digging mammal in the world for their size

   - It is thought that the word "badger" comes from the French, "Becheur" meaning "digger"

   - The Welsh for badger is "Moch daear", meaning "Earth pig"

   - A badger's home is called a "Sett"

   - Badgers are very clean animals, always clearing out their setts, and always defecating in special "latrines" dotted around their homes

   - Most of a badgers diet is made up of earth worms, of which they can consume around 200 of in a good night

   - Badgers are one of very few animals that can kill and eat a healthy hedgehog

   - Oh, and a sneaky preview... The badger will be on the front of our BWC leaflet for 2013!

1 comment:

  1. I took some brilliant photos when we visited your place a couple of weeks ago - a few of the badgers.


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