
Wednesday 17 September 2014

Frodo and a Butterfly

Frodo and Butterfly - by Kevin Brown

An unusual post today, and not really news, but I just had to share these photos with you all!

At the weekend, Lucy came back after her fox keeper talk saying how in the middle of it a butterfly landed on Frodo's nose. Apparently he hardly reacted at all, just stayed there a little confused, before shortly after the butterfly flew off again.

This is one of those, dare I say it... magical moments. I would have loved to of seen it with my own eyes, and was so hoping that someone managed to get a photograph of it, so you can imagine how excited I was when I looked on Flick yesterday and came across these amazing photos by Kevin Brown.

Frodo and Butterfly - by Kevin Brown

Kevin managed to capture the moment perfectly, and these couple of photos are two of my favourites he took. Brilliant!

I used to be a little obsessed with Flutterbyes.., eh I mean Butterflys, when I was younger... but am a little rusty now, but I think the one that landed on Frodo's nose is a Speckled Wood. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Well done to Kevin Brown for taking these photos, what great timing, and thanks to him for allowing me to share them with you all on this blog. I have linked Kevin's flickr page under his names and photos above so click on one of those links to see more of these photos he managed to take of Frodo and the butterfly, and some of his other photos too.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Kevin Brown. Photography is capturing a moment in time and Kevin certainly did just that.


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