
Friday 4 September 2015

August's Photo of the Month

"Badger" by Benn McIntyre

So, the only month of the year where we are open to the public every day has come to an end. August always sees a lot of visitors to the Centre, and despite the damp and rain, this year was no exception.

Lots of good photos have been uploaded and shared, and most popular for the past month seems to have been our otters and once again... our new little weasel, Neve. However it was this photograph above, taken by Benn McIntyre, of one of our badgers "Honey" that caught my eye.

I know how tricky it can be to take a good photograph of our badgers, but Benn has managed to do that here. He has found an angle that doesn't show any of the enclosure in the background, and beautifully managed to give the impression of being far more eye level than he would have been, allowing more intimacy. The depth of field is great, with the background thrown out allowing Honeys head to jump out, and an area of the foreground softly blurred adding even more depth to the image. Well done Benn, a lovely portrait in a tricky setting.

Benn's photo will be on display in our coffee shop gallery next year, with the other eleven chosen photographs from this year. He will also be in with a chance to win a photographic day here at the Centre.

To see more of Benn McIntyre's photos follow the link in his name to see his facebook page, and a few more photos of our animals.

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