
Saturday 6 February 2016

New Polecat

Finally! Here she is... Worth the wait though, isn't she beautiful?!

This is our new female polecat, "Cassandra" (uh, yeah... don't ask.) But you can call her "Cassie" for short. Cassie has come to us to pair up with Billy for the new season, after his older mate Roxie had been moved on to retirement to 'Ferret Rescue Surrey'. Hopefully they will get on well and produce a nice litter of kits.

Of course we still have Whitstable and Oriel on display in the main pen, so potentially could have two litters of kits to offer to the release programme later this year. Exciting stuff!

Cassie came to us via the breeding programme having been born at the New Forest Wildlife Park. She is still very shy, so you will have to be patient if you want to try and see her, but it won't take her long to settle. Currently housed in the enclosure next to Billy's, we will open up the divide between the two over the next week to see how they get on.

Don't forget, if you do decide to come and see her we are now open until 5pm for our main season. This means we are back to our usual schedule of 'Keeper Talks'. You can remind yourself of these via the tab under the header above. It does mean we no longer do a scheduled talk on polecats, but it also means that pine martens are back so, you know... every cloud and all that :-)

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