
Sunday 3 September 2017

Photo of the month: August 2017

"Eagle owl" by Tony Walker

August is the only month of the year that we are open to the general public every day, and it has been a busy month this year... Lot's of people coming to see us, and lots of you bringing your cameras.

It has been a real mix of animal photos that we have seen over the past month, our new weasels being arguably the most photographed, but it is this beautiful photograph or Ethel our eagle owl which we have chosen for photo of the month. Captured by Tony Walker.

Tony's photo will be in our gallery next year, and he will be in with the chance of winning a photo day here at the Centre if his pictured is picked out by our professional judge at the end of the year.

See a few more pictures below, and as always you can click on the names to see more photographs taken by these photographers.

"Weasel" by Linda Kent

"Weasel on watch" by Lillian


  1. Hi, I'd just like to ask Matt, do stoats get along well with each other, as they're both in different pens at the centre. Also, will you be getting hare's and beavers at the centre, just wondering.

    P.s Great job on the squirrels!

    1. Hello,

      We have three stoats at the Centre, and have to keep them all separate. They are very solitary animals and do not get on well together at all.

      Hares - yes, we hope to have hares here in the future. They are very difficult animals to keep, and we would only consider it if we could do it in a way that works well for them, but we are currently planning on how we can use the "Copse" where the squirrels are to also house hares. It also depends on what hares are out there that need homes. They are difficult to rear as rescues, and if successful go back to the wild. It would be nice to be in a position to offer a rescued hare a home here though if they can't be returned for one reason or another.

      Beaver - Currently no plans to keep beavers here. We have plenty of developments in line that we want to bring to the Centre to improve or add to what we already have. Once this is all in place however, I wouldn't rule out the possibility of beavers in the future.

      Hope that helps

    2. Thanks Matt sounds great, planning on a visit to the Centre soon, hopefully will see the rutt


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