
Saturday 2 February 2019

Photo of the Month: January 2019

"Floki the Barn owl" by Brett Watson

We have had a few people ask about how to "enter" photo of the month. There is no official way to do this, and we just look at photographs shared on social media and sent in to us via email. Then pick a few we like to share each month. Flickr tends to be were a lot of photographers share photos, as we have our own British Wildlife Centre group page there to add your photos to. Instagram is very popular, and most of the keepers see/use instagram. Tag your photo #britishwildlifecentre to make sure we can see it. But of course to ensure we see a photo you may be particularly proud of the best way would be to email it in to us! We are always pleased to see photos of the animals we care for.

From the photos we share, we then pick a photo of the month to go in our coffee shop gallery the following year. From the twelve pictures throughout the year, an outside professional judge will pick their overall favourite to win a photogrpahic day here at the Centre. 

So, on to 2019, and January's photo of the month. This month we went for this lovely photo of Floki the barn owl in his aviary, taken by Brett Watson. To see more of Brett's photos follow the link in his name. 

Below are some more photos from the last month, and again, follow the link in the names of the photographers to see more of their images. 
A great close up of one of our grey squirrels.

"Emmy reflection" by Paul Stuart

Emmy, one of our female otters, having a quick drink in the pond with a beautiful reflection. 

"Shy otter cub" by John Gribble

Like mother like daughter. Bea, our young otter cub, at the waters edge with a shy eye on the photographer.

"Stoat" by John Gribble

Susie the stoat beginning to pale and turn ermine. Not as white as she went last year, but a token gesture to the winter.

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